What to Do in a Policy Review

Using contingent workers can relieve your organization of some human resource functions, but it can create liability exposures.
When you hire temporary or leased employees, the agency acts as the employer. The agency is responsible for screening employees, paying employment taxes, providing workers’ compensation and, in some instances, providing employee benefits. Continue reading “Temporary Employees, Full Time Risks”
It’s open enrollment: time to select your health insurance plan for the coming year.
If you were thinking about skipping it this time around, get ready to pay regardless. Fines for not having coverage are increasing. For 2016, they will be $695 for each adult and $347.50 for each child, up to $2,085 for a family. Or it could be 2.5 percent above the filing threshold, says the IRS (individuals $10,150, couples filing jointly $20,300), whichever is higher. Continue reading “The Costs of Not Having Health Insurance”
Scheduling regular policy reviews can ensure your business has the coverage it needs, when you need it. If you haven’t reviewed your coverage lately, the beginning of the year is a great time to take care of this important housekeeping matter. Continue reading “What to Do in Your Annual Insurance Policy Review”